Thursday, June 11, 2015

How to install THEOS on your mobile device 2015

If you have been curious about developing tweaks for Jailbroken iOS devices. Weather for fun or personal challenge. You need to install THEOS on your mobile device. I'll show you how to get it up and running in no time.
You'll need to be Jailbroken (obviously). Add the following two repos:
Now, you need to install the following dependencies and programs (I prefer to do it one by one):
You are almost there. To check if THEOS was installed correctly, fire up your mobile terminal app and enter the following:
  • $THEOS
The program should display:
  •  /var/theos: is a directory
If not, install THEOS again. Open Cydia again and check the recently installed tab. Check for missing items from our list and install them.

Now we need to install/download/ an iOS SDK. Choose a folder to download the file in. The easiest choice would be Documents.

Here's option number one:
Open up your terminal and type:
  • cd /var/mobile/Documents
Then to download the SDK file type (it's about 23MB):
  • wget
If want to you can download the file without using a terminal app. You need to head over to:
Here you need to look for the newest one. At the time of this post is 8.1. And download it to your 'Documents' folderAre you having fun yet?

Now, we need to place the SDK inside the THEOS directory. Fire up your flavor of mobile terminal and follow these steps:
We need to create a folder inside the THEOS directory call sdks, type this:
  • mkdir $THEOS/sdks
We need to move the SDK file to the newly created folder inside the THEOS directory, type this:
  • mv /var/mobile/Documents/iPhoneOS8.1.sdk.tbz2 $THEOS/sdks/
Now, we need to extract the SDK files, type this:
  • tar xjvf iPhoneOS8.1.sdk.tbz2
Clean up time. We need to the delete the archive file we downloaded/moved/extracted. (unless you want to keep it. You hoarder), type this:
  • rm iPhoneOS8.1.sdk.tbz2

Here's option number two:
If you went to:
And downloaded the SDK file (8.1 at the time of this post). Move the file to:
  • /var/theos/
Using Filza or Ifile extract the file. (inside the theos folder) then delete:
  • iPhoneOS8.1.sdk.tbz2
There's is an issue with ARM64 devices, to fix this we need to fire up your mobile terminal. We need to create symlinks, to do that enter the following:
  •  ln -s $THEOS/makefiles/platform/ $THEOS/makefiles/platform/
  • ln -s $THEOS/makefiles/targets/Darwin-arm $THEOS/makefiles/targets/Darwin-arm64
That's it. Congratulate yourself.
Next up is how to create a tweak from a FLEX patch.